
4 October 2024 - We were asked if we would attend an event at Ingol Library to demonstrate folk dancing and some of our dancers dressed in Regency costumes, the type of costumes Jane Austin would have worn and some of our members demonstrated the type of dancing we do on at our Monday Club Nights. Some of the Visitors joined in the dancing and we are hoping they will attend our free Taster Day on the 14th October.


Preston Folk Dance Club will be hosting the AGM for Lancashire Folk - quick AGM followed by dancing.

Preston Arts Festival

Monday 17th April  - Come & Try It night' in conjunction with the Preston Arts Festival. Update - six ladies came along to the Taster Session and Lynn did very well in explaining to them how to do the different dances. It would be great if they joined us again.

Facebook Page

October 2022 - A new Facebook page has now been set up for our Club - do a search for Preston Folk Dance Club in Facebook.

Llangollen International Eisteddfod

There are three photos on the Photo page of some of our dancers at the Eisteddfod in July  2022 The weather was good and the Galliard Folk Dance Group did two 20 minute demonstrations dressed in their lovely outfits.


Confirmation that we will be dancing again on 31st January 2022.

Club Nights 

Because of the increase in Covid infections, the Committee have decided to cancel the club nights on 10th,  17th, and 24th January. Check nearer the time to find out if we will be dancing on the 31st January.


The Committee have decided to cancel the dance on the 8th January because of the rise in Covid infections. Check nearer the time to find out if the Club dance will be held on the 10th January.

Saturday Dance

Sat 20 November -Preston FDC  Evening Dance, St Cuthbert’s, Lytham Road, Fulwood, Preston PR2 3AR.- 7.30 pm to 10.45 pm - Lynn & Jeff Hoyle with Pendragon  Please book in advance.. Chris Barcroft  07968 250715 , Kath Risely  01995 672114 , Lynn Hoyle  01772 785362  

Come and Join us - October 2021

We are meeting every Monday with good support which has been increasing each week and last Monday we had 27 dancers but would welcome new dancers joining us.

First Dance - 6 September 2021

We had our first dance since March 2020 with 18 people attending, including the Caller - Mac. Some of our members were away, so it was a good attendance and we were able to do a variety of dances and so nice to dance with other people. We used lots of hand gel!

Return to Dancing - 12 August 2021

The committee met in July to discuss the way forward for our return to dancing. We are hoping to return to Galloway Hall on Monday 6th September with Mac calling and with extra precautions in place to try and minimise Covid risk. This is, of course, subject to any further Covid restrictions and increase in case rates. A final decision will be taken towards the end of August .

Future meetings postponed - Jul 27, 2020 

I hope you are keeping well.

Regretfully, the committee have now decided that it is unlikely that the club will be meeting again this year and we are cancelling the Saturday night dances planned for early 2021. We will, of course, continue to regularly review the situation and I will keep you informed of any changes  to this decision and of course I will let you know in plenty of time when we feel we can safely meet up.

Take care in these strange and uncertain times, and let's hope we can resume our dancing before too long.

Covid - 19 (Coronavirus) - Mar 14, 2020 

In view of the developing situation with Covid - 19, we have decided to temporarily suspend our Monday club nights.

We hope to recommence after Easter on Monday 20th April, but please look out for further updates either by email nearer the time, or checking the website ( for updates.

We are doing our best to contact all our members, but if you know of anyone who comes and who may not have an email address, then please could you pass this message on.

It was a hard decision to make and I, for one, will dearly miss our Monday evenings out with you all. However, hopefully a little prudence now will be worth it and we can all get back to normality before too long.

Best wishes, stay well, and hope to see you soon.

Spring Dance Cancelled - Mar 12, 2020 

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic the committee has today reluctantly decided to cancel the dance planned for Saturday 21st March.

This was not an easy decision to make, but we feel that the wellbeing of our members and guests must take priority, and I hope that you will understand our reasons for doing this.

Sword Dancing - Jul 01, 2019 

Last week we were joined by Longridge Scouts for a night of sword dancing led by Leyland Morris Men. We had a great time - thanks to all involved!

Summer Programme - Apr 27, 2018 

The summer programme has now been added to the calendar. 

Windmill Visit - Jun 28, 2017 

Vivienne organised a visit to Little Marton Windmill at Blackpool as part of our Summer activities. As a few people were on holiday we didn't manage to get the minimum number of 20 but with inviting friends we were able to go ahead with the visit. It was a very interesting talk and tour and some were brave enough to go up the steep steps to the third floor. The volunteers are very enthusiastic and told us about the history of the Windmill and there were displays of other Windmills in the area and an opportunity to see the mechanical workings of it. See the Photos Page

Summer Programme - Apr 13, 2017 

The summer programme has now been uploaded to the website.

Party Photos - Dec 20, 2016

Vivienne took some photos of last night's party, they are on the photo page